A Child's Garden, Inc.

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What are our hours of operation? 6:00 am - 6:00 pm

What age range do we take at A Child's Garden, Inc.? Birth - 12 years of age

How old does our child have to be to start VPK? 4 years of age by Sept 1st

When does our VPK progarm start? It starts August 15th 2017.
What are the days and time for VPK? Monday - Friday 8:15am - 12:15pm 

How do I register my child for VPK? -
** Just follow these simple steps.

Step One - www.ecs4kids.org
Step Two - click on "OUR PROGRAMS" 
Step Three - Select "How to register"
Step Four - Follow the directions given on the screen
Step Five - Fill out the application
Step Six - You will receive a "Certificate of Eligibility"
Step Seven - Bring in your certificate, sign #18 and date #19, I will fill out the rest and submit it to ECS

A Child's Garden, Inc. 
7442 State Road 21 Keystone Heights, FL. 32656
Phone 352-473-0600 Fax 352-473-5859

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